Accounting is a crucial part of any business and is a must for better financial growth. It helps in managing the revenue and expenses of every business. It involves storing, sorting and recording financial transactions to more challenging tasks like financial projection, financial statement interpretation, and financial planning.
Employing a dedicated in-house resource may not work well for every business. Outsourced accounting services help enhance the efficiency of the business so you can focus better on business-specific tasks.
It is a legal requirement for any business to maintain an appropriate book of accounts to ensure that all relevant taxes are paid, and filling of tax on time. Bookkeeping is the procedure of recording financial transactions of a business in an accounting system & the creation of reports SKYCAP provides following Accounting, Book keeping & Business Support services:

Financial Accounting:

Our professional Accountants are trained in a manner that they can do their tasks promptly while maintaining the highest level of accuracy. SKYCAP ensures that their Accountants come well equipped with the skills, qualities, and experience essential to collaborate well with professionals to achieve their goals.
Our teams are fully conversant with Indian and International accounting software. We ensure that accounts are maintained in accordance with domestic regulations as well as international reporting norms. Our team’s review, analyze and flag any potential issues to ensure timely remedial action.

Compliance Diagnostic

As part of the Compliance Diagnostic, SKYCAP will perform a high-level review of: business process and controls, customs procedures, practices and controls, and randomly-selected import transactions such to determine if compliance concerns exist. A specialized activity wherein we carry out a comprehensive diagnostic check of your business to identify compliance gaps risks thereon and suggest mitigation measures. The results will allow you to quickly identify areas of potential risk, find out where you should focus your efforts and why, demonstrate your due diligence and compliance commitment to customs authorities, and maintain the flow of your international goods and avoid financial penalties.

Virtual CFO

For any SME unit, hiring a full time CFO is not affordable. We can act as your Virtual Chief Financial Officer (CFO), providing analytics and business insights for decision making without you having to maintain a full-fledged finance function.
Through this role we provide the following services:
• Financial Projections
• Cash Flow Forecast and manage Cash Flow
• Audit support and Compliances of various Acts Applicable
• Budgeting and MIS Reporting
• Debtor and Creditor Management
• Setting up an Accounting System and Chart of Accounts

Payroll Administration

We set up, maintain and ensure timely and accurate processing of employee payroll. We also assist in the preparation of the HR manual to document your HR policies in compliance with Indian labor regulations, setting-up social security benefits including insurance and claim administration.

Standard Operating Procedures

We believe that for any organisation, it is system and procedure that make any business big. We help you to design Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for various business processes of your organisation, also help you to implement them so that you run it in more efficient manner. We focus on your cost savings and time efficiency where-ever it can be improved.